Civil War Uniform and Equipment

The following bibliography has been compiled by me to help my customers gain a better knowledge of the material culture of the Civil War soldier. This bibliography is a work in progress and if you see a scholarly works that I've missed, please contact me at: Some of these articles are out of print and may require contacting the publishers.

  • Adolphson, Steven J. and Larry Strayer , Rather Coarse and Scratchy: U.S. Army Shirts of the 1860's
    The Company Wag November 1994, No.8., pp 1-7.

  • Anderson, Cecil W., P. Tait, Limerick, North South Trader's Civil War, pp 1-18, March/April 1983

  • Babits, Lawrence, Military Collector and Historian, Rubber Ponchos and Blankets from the union Transport ‘Maple Leaf’ Page 60, Vol. XLVII, No.2 Summer, 1995, Washington, D.C.

  • Brown, William, Thought on Men’s Shirts: 1750-1900, Thomas Publications, Gettysburg, PA 1999

  • Brewster, William, The Case for the Contract Variant Issue Shirt,  The Company Wag, Volume 8, Page 7 (1994, November)

  • Coates, Earl, J. Military Collector and Historian, The Civil War Canteen: Patterns of 1858 and 1862.
    Page 98, Vol. XLVII, No.3 Fall, 1995, Washington, D.C.

  • Echoes of Glory: Arms and Equipment of the Confederacy, Time Life Books, Alexandria, VA 1991

  • Echoes of Glory: Arms and Equipment of the Union, Time Life Books, Alexandria, VA 1991

  • Federal Enlisted Uniforms of the Civil War (Video), Roberts Video Publishing Inc. Washington D.C.

  • Higgenbotham, Samuel, North South Trader’s Civil War, Longarms of the Civil War US Model 1863 type I & II, Page 27, Vol XV No. 4, 1993

  • Gaede, Fred, The Federal Civil War Shelter Half, O'Donnel Publications, Alexandria, VA, 2001

  • Gaede, Fred, Military Collector and Historian, A Model 1858 Forage Cap, Page 66, Vol. 51, No.2 Summer, 1999, Washington, D.C.

  • Geade, Fred and J. Earl Coates Military Collector and Historian, Civil War Cincinnati Depot Canteen Variation, Vol. L, No. 3 Fall 1998, pp. 98-107

  • Gaede, Fred, Military Collector and Historian, Knapsack of N.B. Johnston, 1st Virginia Artillery, ANV, Vol. XLIII, No. 1 Spring, 1991 pp. 38-40

  • Gaede, Fred, Military Collector and Historian, A Note on Blanket Rolls, Page 68, Vol. XLVII, No.2 Summer, 1995, Washington, D.C.

  • Gaede, Fred, Military Collector and Historian, A Set of Confederate Accoutrements, Page 177, Vol. 50, No.4, Winter 1998, Washington, D.C.

  • Huntoon, Robert, Historical Notes on Federal Issue Trowsers 1851-1876, Notes included in instructions provided with Past Patterns trowsers. Pattern number710

  • Jacobsen, Jacques Noel ed., Regulations and Notes for the Uniform of the Army of the United States 1857, Manor Publishing: Staten Island, NY, 1973

  • Jensen, Leslie, Military Collector and Historian, A survey of Confederate Central Government Quartermaster Issue Jackets, Part I, Page 109, Vol. XLI, No.3, Fall, 1989, Washington, D.C.

  • Jensen, Leslie, Military Collector and Historian, A survey of Confederate Central Government Quartermaster Issue Jackets, Part II, Page 162, Vol. XLI, No.4, Winter, 1989, Washington, D.C.

  • Jensen, Leslie, Military Collector and Historian, British Army Shirt with a Confederate History, Vol. No. 1975, Washington, D.C.

  • Johnson, Paul D. Civil War Cartridge Boxes of the Union Infantryman, Andrew Mowbray Publishers, Lincoln, Rhode Island 1998

  • Johnson, Paul, North South Trader’s Civil War, Watertown Arsenal Part II: The Arsenals war-era Leather Accoutrement Products, Page 18, Vol XVIII No. 6, Issue #114, 1991

  • Kimmel, Ross, Jensen, Leslie, Military Collector and Historian, Enlisted Uniforms of the Maryland Confederate Infantry, A Case Study, Page 98, Vol. XLI, No.3, Fall, 1989, Washington, D.C.

  • Kimmel, Ross, Military Illustrated: Past and Present, The Confederate Infantryman, No. 17, February/March 1989, page 8

  • Marsden, Joseph, North South Trader’s Civil War, Confederate Socket Bayonets, Page 42, Vol XV No. 4, 1993

  • Mc Donald, Bob, North South Trader’s Civil War, Standard issue Confederate Slouch Hats, Page 32, Vol XVIII No. 6, Issue #114, 1991

  • McKee, Paul, Military Collector and Historian, Notes on the Federal Issue Sack Coat, Page 50, Vol. XLVII, No.2 Summer, 1995, Washington, D.C.

  • Miller, Robert, Military Collector and Historian, Two Union Haversacks, Page 99, Vol. IV, No.4 Winter, 1952, Washington, D.C.

  • Minor, Mike, North South Trader’s Civil War, The Theophilus Frank Shirt, Page 24, July-August 1987

  • Nelson, Dean, Military Collector and Historian, The Union "Army Standard Size and Make" shirt, Page 110, Vol. XLVII, No.3 Fall, 1995, Washington, D.C.

  • Osman, Stephen, Military Collector and Historian, Army Drawers in the Civil War, Page 138, Vol. XLVII, No.3 Fall, 1995, Washington, D.C.

  • Peterkin, Ernest, Military Collector and Historian, The United States Army Bootee, Page 69, Vol. XLVII, No.2 Summer, 1995, Washington, D.C.

  • Risch, Erna, Quartermaster Support of the Army: A History of the Corps, 1775-1939, Washington, 1962.

  • Roden, Hugh, North South Trader’s Civil War, Haldimand Sumner Putmnam’s Hardee Hat, Page 34, Vol XX No. 6, 1993

  • Sylvia, Stephen W. & Michael J. O'Donnell, Civil War Canteens. Moss Publications, Orange, VA 1990

  • Sylvia, Stephen, North South Trader’s Civil War, Private Warner’s Kepi, Page 44, Vol XXI No. 1, 1994

  • Todd, Frederick P., American Military Equipage 1851-1872, Chathem Square Press, 1983

  • Thomas, Micheal, Confederate Sketchbook, Amazon Dry Goods, 1980

  • Uniform Regulations for the Army of the United States 1861, with contemporary official photographs, reprinted by Smithsonian, 1961

  • Woshner, Mike, India-Rubber and Gutta-Percha in the Civil War Era ,O'Donnell Publications, Alexandria, VA, 1999

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